About A Web Of Culture
A Web of Culture was created by Peter E. Preovolos and his family, along with dozens of colleagues and friends who helped make the site a reality. We all share the dream of and online showcase of the accomplishments of those who have worked to preserve the Greek culture and heritage in America.
Since the time of Alexander the Great, cultures from India to Western Europe have been influenced by the Greeks. We hope A Web of Culture captures aspects of the Greek experience in photos, videos, audio and interactive presentations.

About Kefi
Kefi: The Story of FDF, the Greek Orthodox Folk Festival explores the impact of a cultural phenomenon that annually brings together thousands of young people from seven states in the Western U.S. Scores of teams compete for top honors in Greek folk dance, song and costuming.
In interview after interview, as well as the music and dance, the passion for FDF comes through, from those who were there at the beginning to today's dancers, singers and directors. It's also helped three generations of families throughout the West build friendships, careers, and marriages.

"It's been my dream to create a record of FDF since its earliest days. The stories of generations of FDFers, the roots of FDF, and what it has meant to our Greek Orthodox faith and heritage are all woven into the film. One of my dreams was that our FDF program might inspire other ethnic groups to try to revitalize their ancestral roots."
Peter E. Preovolos
Executive Producer

"FDF was started by kids who thought they could dance as well as the professionals who got paid to dance at their church festival. A second-generation Greek-American business entrepreneur and his family supported them and the clergy celebrated a ministry in the fellowship that blossomed as FDF grew. Government leaders, Greek embassy representatives and academics have praised FDF.
Kefi is a diaspora story that, in my opinion, could only happen in America.
Many thanks to all the filmmaking pros, interviewees and dancers who figuratively joined hands to make Kefi, and to the Preovolos family for their generosity in supporting the project. I hope the spirit, the kefi, of FDF comes across on the screen."
Patti Testerman
About FDF

“FDF is unlike any other event because it fosters an environment where people become one giant Greek family."
- Hellenic News of America
"The performances…provide a model for these diaspora communities, as well as non-Greek performing groups."
- Anthony Shay
Choreographic Politics
“If anyone says, ‘I’ll show you a star,’ I would say to them, ‘Come to FDF and I will show you a constellation’."
- His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios
Retired Primate of The Greek Orthodox Church in America
"This may be one of the best youth programs in the country.”
- John Gumas
Elios Society President
The National Herald